Grace has been diagnosed with ALL ( Acute Lymphotic Leukemia) - How do you begin to explain to a 4 year old all that comes with that diagnosis? Ella can help! Ella is a friend of Barbie who has lost her hair due to chemotherapy. She comes with two wigs, some scarves, head wraps, and a few other accessories. Ella can be a perfect tool for having that difficult conversation about the side effects of Chemo & can be a comforting companion for those little ones having to go through it. The only problem is, Mattel seems to have made Ella as a trial run exclusively for children's hospitals. This is great, but considering the amount of children that come in an out of an oncology ward on a daily basis, there are not enough Ella's to go around. Grace's parents started this petition so that Ella can be more redly available to all children battling cancer, especially those as young as their little girl. Click here to sign the petition to let Matel know it's time to make more "Ella"s so that more little ones like Grace can benefit from being able to relate to a Barbie that looks like them!
I found this YouTube video taken at The Jurasz Hospital in Bydgoszcz, Poland. It shows a few of the girls being treated for cancer playing with some of the Ella dolls their hospital received. This hospital only received 12 of them - hopefully signing this petition will allow the hospital's to receive a steady flow of Ella dolls, allowing patients to take their new friend home with them.
(SOURCE: Ruptly TV's YouTube Channel )
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